Outputs of our project will include: learning tools, training packages, one-stop-shops piloted and strategies targeting migrants and entrepreneurs, enabling them to act as drivers of social innovation in CE.
Referentni broj projekta: CE1385
Nositelj projekta: Cracow University of Economics
Vrijednost projekta: 2.844.854,05 eur
Izvor (su)financiranja: Interreg Central Europe
Iznos (su)financiranja: 2.336.087,32 eur
Razdoblje provedbe projekta: 1.3.2019. – 30.11.2021.
- Malopolska Provincional Office in Kraków; TCF HUB Kraków
- Institute for Economic Promotion, Vienna; Multicultural Insbruck
- CEDRA Split; Grad Split
- Polytechnic University of Marche, Ancona
- O.P.E.N. Network Verona; CNR Institute of Clinical Physiology, Pisa
- CULTURE GOES EUROPE Erfurt e.V.; Plattform e.V., Erfurt